
2020/08/08 - 
 UIDetect はとても便利なシェーダーですが、適用できるマスクが3つまでと少ない。そこで、もっと適用できるマスクを増やして使えるように改造をしてみました。10個以上使えるようにすると不具合が起きてしまい、それを修正する事ができなかったので、適用できるマスクは9個までです。改造するのはUIDetect.fxの方で、変更内容は以下の通り。

#if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)
    texture texUIDetectMask <source="UIDetectMaskRGB.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask { Texture = texUIDetectMask; };

#if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)
    texture texUIDetectMask_1 <source="UIDetectMaskRGB.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask_1 { Texture = texUIDetectMask_1; };

    texture texUIDetectMask_2 <source="UIDetectMaskRGB_2.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask_2 { Texture = texUIDetectMask_2; };

    texture texUIDetectMask_3 <source="UIDetectMaskRGB_3.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask_3 { Texture = texUIDetectMask_3; };


    #if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)
        float3 uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask, texcoord).rgb;
        float3 uiMask = 0;

        if      (ui > .39) uiMask = 1;            //UI-Nr >3 -> apply no mask
        else if (ui > .29) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  3 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .19) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  2 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .09) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  1 -> apply masklayer red
        color = lerp(color, colorOrig, uiMask);

    #if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)

        float3 uiMaskRGB;	

             if (ui > .69) uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask_3, texcoord).rgb;
        else if (ui > .39) uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask_2, texcoord).rgb;
        else if (ui > .09) uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask_1, texcoord).rgb;

        float3 uiMask = 0;

			 if  (ui > .99) uiMask = 1;            //UI-Nr >9 -> apply no mask
        else if (ui > .89) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  9 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .79) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  8 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .69) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  7 -> apply masklayer red

        else if (ui > .59) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  6 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .49) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  5 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .39) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  4 -> apply masklayer red

        else if (ui > .29) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  3 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .19) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  2 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .09) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  1 -> apply masklayer red

        color = lerp(color, colorOrig, uiMask);

// UIDetect by brussell
// v. 2.0
// License: CC BY 4.0
// UIDetect is configured via the file UIDectect.fxh. Please look
// there for a full description and usage of this shader.

#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"

uniform float fPixelPosX < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
    ui_label = "Pixel X-Position";
    ui_category = "Show Pixel";
    ui_min = 0; ui_max = BUFFER_WIDTH;
    ui_step = 1;
> = 100;

uniform float fPixelPosY < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
    ui_label = "Pixel Y-Position";
    ui_category = "Show Pixel";
    ui_min = 0; ui_max = BUFFER_HEIGHT;
    ui_step = 1;
> = 100;

#include "ReShade.fxh"
#include "UIDetect.fxh"

#define epsilon 0.00001

//textures and samplers
texture texColorOrig { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; };
sampler ColorOrig { Texture = texColorOrig; };

texture texUIDetect { Width = 1; Height = 1; Format = R8; };
sampler UIDetect { Texture = texUIDetect; };

#if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)
    texture texUIDetectMask <source="UIDetectMaskRGB.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask { Texture = texUIDetectMask; };

//pixel shaders
float3 PS_ShowPixel(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    float2 pixelCoord = float2(fPixelPosX, fPixelPosY) * BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE;
    float3 pixelColor = tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(pixelCoord, 0, 0)).xyz;
    return pixelColor;

float PS_UIDetect(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    float3 pixelColor, uiPixelColor;
    float2 pixelCoord;
    float diff;
    float ui = 1;
    bool uiDetected = false;
    bool uiNext = false;

    for (int i=0; i < PIXELNUMBER; i++)
        if (UIPixelCoord_UINr[i].z - ui < epsilon){
            if (uiNext == false){
                pixelCoord = UIPixelCoord_UINr[i].xy * BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE;
                pixelColor = round(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(pixelCoord, 0, 0)).rgb * 255);
                uiPixelColor = UIPixelRGB[i].rgb;
                diff = abs(dot(pixelColor - uiPixelColor, 0.333));
                if (diff < epsilon) {
                    uiDetected = true;
                    uiDetected = false;
                    uiNext = true;
            if (uiDetected == true){ return ui * 0.1; }
            ui += 1;
            uiNext = false;
            i -= 1;
    return uiDetected * ui * 0.1;

float4 PS_StoreColor(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    return tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord);

float4 PS_RestoreColor(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    float ui = tex2D(UIDetect, float2(0,0)).x;
    float4 colorOrig = tex2D(ColorOrig, texcoord);
    float4 color = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord);
    #if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)
        float3 uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask, texcoord).rgb;
        float3 uiMask = 0;

        if      (ui > .39) uiMask = 1;            //UI-Nr >3 -> apply no mask
        else if (ui > .29) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  3 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .19) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  2 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .09) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  1 -> apply masklayer red
        color = lerp(color, colorOrig, uiMask);
        color = ui > epsilon ? colorOrig : color;
    return color;

technique UIDetect_ShowPixel
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_ShowPixel;

technique UIDetect
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_UIDetect;
        RenderTarget = texUIDetect;

technique UIDetect_Before
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_StoreColor;
        RenderTarget = texColorOrig;

technique UIDetect_After
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_RestoreColor;

// UIDetect by brussell
// v. 2.0
// License: CC BY 4.0
// UIDetect is configured via the file UIDectect.fxh. Please look
// there for a full description and usage of this shader.

#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"

uniform float fPixelPosX < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
    ui_label = "Pixel X-Position";
    ui_category = "Show Pixel";
    ui_min = 0; ui_max = BUFFER_WIDTH;
    ui_step = 1;
> = 100;

uniform float fPixelPosY < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
    ui_label = "Pixel Y-Position";
    ui_category = "Show Pixel";
    ui_min = 0; ui_max = BUFFER_HEIGHT;
    ui_step = 1;
> = 100;

#include "ReShade.fxh"
#include "UIDetect.fxh"

#define epsilon 0.00001

//textures and samplers
texture texColorOrig { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; };
sampler ColorOrig { Texture = texColorOrig; };

texture texUIDetect { Width = 1; Height = 1; Format = R8; };
sampler UIDetect { Texture = texUIDetect; };

#if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)
    texture texUIDetectMask_1 <source="UIDetectMaskRGB.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask_1 { Texture = texUIDetectMask_1; };

    texture texUIDetectMask_2 <source="UIDetectMaskRGB_2.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask_2 { Texture = texUIDetectMask_2; };

    texture texUIDetectMask_3 <source="UIDetectMaskRGB_3.png";>
    { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format=RGBA8; };
    sampler UIDetectMask_3 { Texture = texUIDetectMask_3; };


//pixel shaders
float3 PS_ShowPixel(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    float2 pixelCoord = float2(fPixelPosX, fPixelPosY) * BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE;
    float3 pixelColor = tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(pixelCoord, 0, 0)).xyz;
    return pixelColor;

float PS_UIDetect(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    float3 pixelColor, uiPixelColor;
    float2 pixelCoord;
    float diff;
    float ui = 1;
    bool uiDetected = false;
    bool uiNext = false;

    for (int i=0; i < PIXELNUMBER; i++)
        if (UIPixelCoord_UINr[i].z - ui < epsilon){
            if (uiNext == false){
                pixelCoord = UIPixelCoord_UINr[i].xy * BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE;
                pixelColor = round(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(pixelCoord, 0, 0)).rgb * 255);
                uiPixelColor = UIPixelRGB[i].rgb;
                diff = abs(dot(pixelColor - uiPixelColor, 0.333));
                if (diff < epsilon) {
                    uiDetected = true;
                    uiDetected = false;
                    uiNext = true;
            if (uiDetected == true){ return ui * 0.1; }
            ui += 1;
            uiNext = false;
            i -= 1;
    return uiDetected * ui * 0.1;

float4 PS_StoreColor(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    return tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord);

float4 PS_RestoreColor(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
    float ui = tex2D(UIDetect, float2(0,0)).x;
    float4 colorOrig = tex2D(ColorOrig, texcoord);
    float4 color = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord);
    #if (UIDetect_USE_RGB_MASK == 1)

        float3 uiMaskRGB;	

             if (ui > .69) uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask_3, texcoord).rgb;
        else if (ui > .39) uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask_2, texcoord).rgb;
        else if (ui > .09) uiMaskRGB = 1 - tex2D(UIDetectMask_1, texcoord).rgb;

        float3 uiMask = 0;

             if (ui > .99) uiMask = 1;            //UI-Nr >9 -> apply no mask
        else if (ui > .89) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  9 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .79) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  8 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .69) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  7 -> apply masklayer red

        else if (ui > .59) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  6 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .49) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  5 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .39) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  4 -> apply masklayer red

        else if (ui > .29) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.b;  //UI-Nr  3 -> apply masklayer blue
        else if (ui > .19) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.g;  //UI-Nr  2 -> apply masklayer green
        else if (ui > .09) uiMask = uiMaskRGB.r;  //UI-Nr  1 -> apply masklayer red

        color = lerp(color, colorOrig, uiMask);
        color = ui > epsilon ? colorOrig : color;
    return color;

technique UIDetect_ShowPixel
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_ShowPixel;

technique UIDetect
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_UIDetect;
        RenderTarget = texUIDetect;

technique UIDetect_Before
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_StoreColor;
        RenderTarget = texColorOrig;

technique UIDetect_After
    pass {
        VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
        PixelShader = PS_RestoreColor;

 9個では足りなく、もっと適用できるマスクが欲しかったりマスクを重ねたい場合は、UIDetect.fx, UIDetect.fxhを複製して使用します。複製した方のUIDetect.fx#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"texColorOrigtexUIDetectが元のUIDetect.fxと被らないように適当に名前を変更してください。同様のシェーダーを重複してエフェクトをかけるのは無駄に負荷をかける気もしますが、このシェーダーは大した影響もなさそうなので、たぶん大丈夫、でしょう。

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